Hasaan Al Hussein Educates Maccasio on his Critique of Fancy Gadam’s Album Title, “competition

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The Ghanaian music industry witnessed a clash of perspectives as Fancy Gadam’s manager, Hassan Al Hussein, addressed Maccasio’s criticism of the title of Fancy Gadam’s 7th studio album, “Competition.” The dispute arose when Maccasio labeled Fancy Gadam as a “confused element” for choosing such a title. Al Hussein, however, has come forward to provide a thoughtful response.

Al Hussein’s retort centers around the nuanced nature of the term “competition” and its various interpretations. He highlighted that the Oxford Dictionary of Contemporary English defines competition as “the activity or condition of striving to gain or win something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.” However, he emphasized that competition takes on different forms, including what is known as “self/internal competition.”

He continued by referencing Google’s definition of self competition, which describes it as “competition within oneself,” driven by accepting a challenge and using it as motivation to reach a chosen goal. He eloquently argued that Fancy Gadam’s album title is an exploration of this latter form of competition. The album delves into the profound internal competition that exists between an artist’s past achievements and their aspirations for the future.

In a musical landscape where growth and evolution are constant, Al Hussein’s response seeks to shed light on Fancy Gadam’s artistic journey. The title “Competition” isn’t merely a reflection of vying against others, but an introspective exploration of Fancy Gadam’s personal and artistic development. He suggests that the album title serves as a reminder of the artist’s progress and a symbol of the challenges he sets for himself.

Notably, the album title has sparked reactions from various quarters. Maccasio, who took the album title personally, found himself at odds with Fancy Gadam’s approach. Al Hussein’s witty conclusion of “You are the confused element” adds a touch of humor to the discourse, highlighting the differing viewpoints within the music community.

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