Chef Faila meets Stonebwoy at Kotoka International Airport.

Abdul Razak Faila, the Ghanaian Guinness World Record longest cooking marathon contender, recently wrapped up a media tour in Accra, which led to an unexpected encounter with the renowned African artist and Grammy-nominated act, Stonebwoy, at the Kotoka International Airport. Stonebwoy, who was en route to board a flight out of the country, took a moment to congratulate Executive Chef Faila on her record attempt and express his regrets for not being able to visit her during the cook-a-thon at the Modern City Hotel.

Less than a week after the cook-a-thon, Chef Faila granted an interview with Joy Prime, where she humorously remarked that big stars like Sarkodie, Shatta Wale, and Stonebwoy should consider buying a cow and apologizing to the people of the north for not showing up to support the cook-a-thon.

Chef faila with 1Gad

The unexpected encounter with Stonebwoy at the airport added an exciting twist to Chef Faila’s journey, and her lighthearted comments about the absence of big stars in the north brought some humor to the aftermath of the cook-a-thon. It’s clear that Chef Faila’s dedication and sense of humor have made her a memorable figure in the culinary world, and her interactions with celebrities have added an extra layer of excitement to her remarkable feat.

FailatuFailatu Cook-a-thonGuinness World RecordModern city hotel cook-off
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